Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Starting to plan a wedding before getting engaged?

This used to be a very unusual situation we might encounter once or twice a year, but within the last few weeks, we not only encountered 2 couples in this situation, but have been hired by both! The question we usually get, is when should planning start? There is no solid rule except the sooner the better (in most cases). You should start planning whenever you feel you are ready and it makes sense for you as a couple. Here are some options:
  1. As soon as you get engaged
  2. 1 year after getting engaged
  3. As soon as you know you will be getting married
  4. 2 years before the date
  5. 1 year before the date
  6. 1 month before the date

The thing to remember is, that like each wedding, each couple is unique. The situations, personalities, and experiences of each couple will determine the best time to start planning. If you are couple who enjoys being "engaged" (i.e.: I used to LOVE introducing my now husband as my FIANCE), then why not be engaged for a while before getting married? On the other hand, if you anticipate having many guests travel a long distance, informing your guests of a wedding date and providing them enough time to plan accordingly would be a thoughtful gesture. If you still aren't sure, meet with a coordinator and get a personalized recommendation.