Thursday, November 15, 2007

When to hire vendors (Is it to early?)

Okay, so this is a question we hear quite often. What we tell everyone is "The sooner the better...usually". If you know you like someone's work, personality, & prices, then go for it. Many people also feel better once decisions and choices are made, so peace of mind can be a big benefit for starting early. If you hire someone early, it will be much more likely that they will not only be available, but their prices can usually be guaranteed once a deposit/retainer is placed. Many companies increase their rates annually (not always in January), so if by starting early, you can save money...why not?

The only reason why not, is that yes, you are taking a chance that you MIGHT find someone better. But if that does happen, you should still be okay because the person you did hire was someone that you were happy with to begin with. I personally feel the benefits outway the drawbacks, but now you will need to decide for yourself...good luck!

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