Thursday, December 13, 2007


Okay, so all of us Event Managers at A Perfect Day were talking and really want to be able to help as many couples as possible. We realize that many can't afford a professional coordinator, but still would like to know that they are on the right track or sometimes just get a professional's opinion. So what we have come up with is an hour we are calling "Ask Us". For 1 hour (at least) every other Tuesday (starting January 22nd), one of us (or more) will be available from 6:00-7:00pm at our office (1019 Waimanu Street, Suite 101) to answer any questions and provide opinions & suggestions (as much as can be done with the time permitted and giving all who attend an opportunity to benefit). Since this is being offered for FREE...RSVPs are required. If you would like to RSVP....please feel free to email us at or call us at 591-8110. Seating is limited and right now, there is no limit on how many sessions a person can attend. You can also visit our website at for additional information and to view our calendar of workshops & classes. We hope to meet many couples and help each of you!

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