Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wedding Expo Guides!

So are you ready for our newest idea? We are very excited to offer ourselves as professional guides of the upcoming wedding expo! If you are already a client, it is FREE...and if you are not a client, it is only $5! If you are interested, please contact us ( / 497-3339) to reserve your tour slot. The tour will include the following:
  • Tips on preparing for the expo (what to bring, questions to ask, etc.)
  • A guided tour through the expo with personal introductions to vendors, a professional friend and reference for questions, ideas, suggestions, opinions and more

A follow up option you can choose is to attend our follow-up workshop where we go through those handouts, information, & pictures to discuss ideas, suggestions, opinions, pricing, info, and MUCH more. To attend the follow-up workshop is FREE for current clients or only $5 for non-clients. As we will ensure to be attentive guides, both options are limited on a 1st come 1st served basis and RSVPs are required. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please contact us as soon as possible ( or 497-3339). We look forward to making the expo experience as fun as it should be!

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