Thursday, December 20, 2007


Last night my husband and I were lucky enough to have dinner with James Chun (of Crane Media), his wife Amel, 2 daughters (Tiare & Emi), and Lawrence (also of Crane Media) at the Pagoda restaurant! It was a nice surprise and the perfect way to end a long day of work! Thank you to James and Amel for a fun, relaxing, and yummy time!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Company Christmas Picture???

Okay, so we had a lot of fun last weekend! We have 3 birthdays in our company for the month of December, so we all got together for dinner and I tried to get our company Christmas picture after. Here are some pictures of us trying and luckily getting our Christmas picture taken...the only 1 picture that has my husband in it has Mary's eyes closed :~<
-You can click on any picture to see it bigger :)

Emcee: Friend or Professional?

Did you know your emcee could make or break your reception? If you really think about it, your emcee will be the person to have everyone's attention for almost the entire time. are some pros & cons of a professional emcee...


  1. They should know how to read the crowd. If your guests are of a certain temperament, the professional emcee should know how to determine the temperament and adjust their style & dialogue to match.
  2. The professional can be asked to do specific tasks and be held accountable (whereas a friend might not take it seriously, forget, or decide not to do it)
  3. The professional can be held accountable for being on time, dressed appropriately, and should not consume any alcohol (and as a result the professional's behavior should remain controlled).
  4. A Professional shouldn't tell stories about the times you got drunk "wasted" (unless that's what you want)
  5. If something in the program isn't ready, the professional should know how to stall (if needed) or adjust/skip accordingly (to something that is ready)
  6. A professional will take the time to know your coordinator (or day of contact person), DJ/musician, and meet the Banquet Captain to work out all timing, cues, and clarify details (BEFORE the reception starts).
  7. A professional should know how to enhance your reception while directing & controlling the flow.
  8. A professional can arrive to sound test (and not have to miss attending the ceremony).


  1. A professional will cost money and good professionals typically cost more! Just make sure there is a reason for the higher cost! Will they only be talking? Have you seen them actually work before? Since troubleshooting is involved, an emcee should be hired similarly to a professional coordinator and questions should be asked accordingly (especially if you are not hiring a professional coordinator).
  2. There are emcees who may call themselves or represent themselves as a "Professional", but really might not be. Remember, anyone can call themselves anything they want, so interview the person and decide for yourself.
  3. Some professionals may not take the time to get to know their clients...which could be a benefit of having a friend as your emcee

So now what? Well, there are benefits to having both a professional & a friend emcee your event, so what I would recommend (if your budget allows) is to have a friend possibly take care of the more personal announcements (i.e.: acknowledging your immediate family members) since they probably know them and will pronounce them correctly, but leave the other areas up to a professional. Please keep in mind that you might have a friend who is hilarious on a daily basis, but speaking in front of a crowd is completely different and some of the day to day jokes might not be appropriate for a wedding reception.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Congratulations to Wilma & Edson Cabuyadao!!!

Wilma & Edson were truly a great couple that were really able to have FUN! CONGRATULATIONS WILMA & EDSON!!!


Okay, so all of us Event Managers at A Perfect Day were talking and really want to be able to help as many couples as possible. We realize that many can't afford a professional coordinator, but still would like to know that they are on the right track or sometimes just get a professional's opinion. So what we have come up with is an hour we are calling "Ask Us". For 1 hour (at least) every other Tuesday (starting January 22nd), one of us (or more) will be available from 6:00-7:00pm at our office (1019 Waimanu Street, Suite 101) to answer any questions and provide opinions & suggestions (as much as can be done with the time permitted and giving all who attend an opportunity to benefit). Since this is being offered for FREE...RSVPs are required. If you would like to RSVP....please feel free to email us at or call us at 591-8110. Seating is limited and right now, there is no limit on how many sessions a person can attend. You can also visit our website at for additional information and to view our calendar of workshops & classes. We hope to meet many couples and help each of you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gingerbread houses

This past Saturday some of our staff got together for a team building event and we made GINGERBREAD HOUSES!!! It was LOTS of is a picture. The whole kit was less than $10 at Costco and it comes with EVERYTHING! You don't even need a microwave this year! As long as you don't eat as you should have more than enough...or of course, you can bring any extra candies you might have and add those on too! Sorry, this one came out dark....
-Click on the picture to make it bigger...


Last night was the NACE (National Association of Catering Executives) Christmas party at Thai Sweet Basil...and it was lots of fun, good friends, and great Thai food! Additional pictures should be coming...but if you ever have a chance to stop by Thai Sweet Basil in the Manoa Marketplace (2nd floor above Hanaki) not only has yummy food and good prices, but the staff are friendly and provide great service! Last night we occupied the entire 2nd level for our party and had a blast. Our organization/Hawaii Chapter meets once a month at different venues (most frequently at various hotels) where we get to have dinner and taste what they have to offer.

Ever wonder what event professionals do when not working on or at an event? Well many of us are members of NACE. Our Hawaii Chapter consists of many hotel Catering managers & various event professionals (photographers, videographers, coordinators, florists, etc.) which is a GREAT time to just hang out, relax, and get to know each other once a month.
Click on the picture to make it bigger...

Monday, December 10, 2007


CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who ran the Honolulu Marathon yesterday!!! Especially to my husband Mike who continues to amaze me! Unfortunately I was sick at home, but Mike's brother & sister-in-law were great enough to be there and take this picture! GREAT JOB!!!...My husband is the cute one in grey :)
-Click on the picture to make it bigger...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Had a GREAT time!

Yesterday, Jamie (Event Manager) and I got to go Christmas shopping and had a lot of fun not only being productive at Costco, but finding cute and money saving bargains at Price Busters!!! I actually got a cute little water feature for less than $15 dollars to keep at our office and Jamie found cute Christmas items for her dogs and Christmas tree! If you haven't been to Price Busters in a while, you should check and see what they have...and yes, each location is a little different so take your time and pace yourself!

Christmas can be an extremely expensive holiday when you want to give something to everyone who means something special to you, so being creative can really make all the difference! No matter what it is that you do remember that you should always be having FUN!!!
-Click on the picture to make it bigger...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mark & Wendi 12.1.7 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Wendi & Mark Kiyozuka who just got married on Saturday, December 1, 2007! They make such a great couple and really knew how to have a great time with their guests. Luckily the weather held up and it didn't rain (just long enough to have the ceremony outdoors) at The Kahala's beautiful Kokohead Gazebo. Wendi & Mark planned fun games and activities to get their guests involved in their reception and learn more about them as individuals and a couple...and hopefully created memories that will last them a lifetime! From all of us at A Perfect Day, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Photo Booth-Say CHEESE!!!

This past weekend was my 1st experience working with the new Photo Booth company "Blue Cheese Hawaii". I think it was a GREAT success!!! The guests (including grandma & grandpa) had a BLAST! Yes, it is another expense, but what a way to spend your money! Your guests get a hard copy of the 4 pictures that are taken (just like the old photo booths would) and the bride & groom get a copy of ALL pictures on a CD! Polaroid camera's aren't needed (and no friends need to be preoccupied to take the pictures), guests have fun, and guests don't feel self-conscious taking a picture with everyone watching! Sandra was always easy to reach when any film/paper needed to be restocked and pictures quickly continued!!! if you aren't sure what is involved or if this is something you might want to do...just check out: and talk to Sandra! Have FUN!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Halloween Gingerbread House!!!

Isn't this cute! One of my closest friends & co-workers bought me this kit for my birthday, then we had a blast putting it together! It took me a few weeks after Halloween to part with I just had to take a picture and share!!! Stay tuned for our Christmas Gingerbread houses!!!

Yummy Chinese food!

Had this for the 1st time...but can't remember what it is called! Its in a bowl of fried taro (like cake noodles) so you can eat the WHOLE thing!!!


Okay, so my husband reminded me that it is called a "Taro Basket"...and you can choose what dish you want it to hold!

MMMMmmmmmmm Making me hungry all over again!!!!!!!!!

THANKS Chikako!!!

I had a blast with Chikako for the past 4 weeks! Chikako was the 1st person to attend our "Planning Series". As she was here on a student visa from Japan and had to leave today, last night was her last class with us. I look forward to the day she can return and hope she will be able to have a great time using what she learned. I have a picture of me with Chikako on my My Space page: you can see it in the top slideshow or by viewing my other my "My Photos" album...not sure why it came out blue???

-Click on the picture to make it bigger...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Selecting your photographer...

When selecting your photographer...
  • It is always a good idea to see samples of their work...but it would be a better idea to see all of the pictures from 1 wedding so you know the photographer's true style and consistency level
  • Check to see how they will work on your wedding day! Are they flexible? willing to work with other vendors (if they won't shoot with a videographer around, you may end up having to pay extra (for extra time) for your videographer &/or photographer to shoot separately)? How much time will be requested (especially since most photographers charge by the hour, the more efficient the photographer, the more you will be getting for your money)? Are they pretty good with staying on time (ask other vendors or past clients)?

These are just a few things to take into consideration when hiring a photographer...(always keep you budget in mind as well)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pictures from The Kahala Showcase

Okay, so please don't mind...but I took these VERY amateur they are pretty dark & blurry, but there were some great ideas and amazing options that I want to share. As I I couldn't fit all of the pictures here...please feel free to visit my "my space" page to see the pictures: (when you get to my page, all you need to do is click on the word "pics" which is under my head shot (upper left corner). I hope you enjoy!!!

You can still visit my My Space page to see others, but I learned how to upload a picture, so here is one...

-Click on the picture to make it bigger...

Working with a budget

A wedding budget can be very tricky! You will always want to make sure that all decisions concerning money are discussed and agreed upon between each other (bride & groom). We tell couples that although any budget can work (all you really need is $60 in cash for the marriage license), it will always boil down to what compromises each couple is willing to make.

Always determine your budget and maximum amounts you will be willing to spend on any vendor BEFORE meeting with vendors. If you decide to hire a vendor who is over your budget as least you will do so willingly and completely aware of the situation rather than be surprised and run out of money.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Kahala Showcase

Today was The Kahala Showcase and it was amazing! Please stay tuned for pictures from this great event!!! If you aren't sure if The Kahala is a good match for your special event, schedule an appointment and experience a 1 on 1 tour with a Catering staff person from The Kahala.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Question to ask at a consultation (to find a wedding coordinator)

I just had a GREAT consultation with Miranda & Jeff today and I wanted to post a question that I think anyone interviewing coordinators should ask of each coordinator...

First, think of a situation you might be worried about happening on your wedding day, then ask each coordinator you meet with..."What would you do if..." Now you can compare apples to apples in a way that really means something to you.

I think this would be a GREAT way to help you to decide who you would like to have helping you. I am sure everyone knows of a person or persons who might have been doing a job for a while and still might not be very good at what they do...well, experience doing events DOES make a HUGE difference (especially in a field like wedding coordination), but we feel just as important as having experience, is learning from experience! A good coordinator will learn something from EACH wedding!!!

The BAR!!!

The Bar at a reception can be a large cost, a controlled cost, or no cost. Depending on who you talk to and where you live, handling the bar situation for some can seem black and white. What we have come to realize and support is that each couple needs to know what their options are and decide for themselves how they would like to handle the bar. Here are the common ways that the bar can be serviced (but please keep in mind that these options aren't available at every location, so check with your location to see what you can choose from).
  1. A hosted bar is when the clients/person paying (bride, groom, parents, sponsors, etc.) will be paying for all beverages consumed by the guests.
  2. A hosted bar can be controlled by a dollar limit (i.e.: $2,000.00) and the location can inform someone (coordinator, parent, couple, etc.) when the limit is about to be reached. When the person is informed, most locations will allow the person to then decide if they want to continue hosting (paying) or if they would like to go to a cash bar (where the guests pay for their own beverages).
  3. If/when the bar is a "cash bar", most locations will allow certain people to still be hosted (i.e.: head table, family table, sponsor table, etc.) as long as those people order while seated at their table(s). This can still get out of hand if someone seated at those tables decides to order beverages for other guests.
  4. A hosted bar can also be controlled by a time limit. For example, if you want to host beverages during cocktails and the meal, but once the program starts, you can change to a cash bar. This method can also be safer to allow guests to sober up before driving home.
  5. Another method to control the cost of the bar, is to pass out tickets (or a personalized item) which can be redeemed for beverages. Many people like this option because they know their bar cost won't exceed a certain dollar limit (ticket X cost of most expensive beverage possible)...and for those guests who don't drink, they can pass it on to those who might. This method also allows couples to personalize their event and let people know ahead of time how many beverages they will be allowed (to pace themselves) if they don't want to pay for any later...and every guest has the same chance to consume the same amount as the person next to them (i.e.: some people like to wait until after the meal to consume alcoholic beverages)
  6. Another option is to only offer certain beverages at the bar. If you offer just beer, wine, and soft drinks, the cost will usually be much lower than if you also offered blended drinks and hard liquor.

Please remember that each option is not always possible at every location and take special note of any minimum dollar amounts that must be reached within a time frame as well as other costs like the bartender fees (which are based of the cost to the location to staff the bar with a bartender). Please also keep in mind that these are just options and that each couple will need to decide for themselves what their budget will allow and what you feel comfortable doing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Save The Date and Thank You Cards

Did you know that it is possible to save time, money, and still personalize "Save The Date" and "Thank You" cards? All you would have to do is...
  1. Input the recipients' names and addresses once
  2. Then you can personalize (if you want) a card by using a personal picture
  3. Then press send (and you are done)!

Anyway, I am participating in a program called "Send out Cards" with the hopes of helping to save couples time and money with their "Save The Date" and "Thank You" cards. Does anyone reading this post think this sounds interesting or like you would want to participate? If you are interested, please let us know as we will be happy to set you up to test the program for FREE!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gratuities/Tipping vendors

This is another topic that many couples are curious about. We tell all of our couples that tipping should be done after the event and should always be based off of the actual service or product provided/produced. Many feel a tip/gratuity is required, but unless it is automatically added (i.e.: transportation or meals), tips/gratuity are not required.

A tip/gratuity is meant to be for good service or a job well done as a "thank you". So if you really think about it, how do you know what the performance or product of someone will be until the event has happened. There will be some vendors who will remind couples that "gratuity has not yet been included" in the price quoted (with the hopes that they will be tipped)...but remember that it is NOT required. Any amount that is a required payment should be clearly mentioned on the contract.

Although I am sure any vendor would love to get a tip, if a tip is just not in your budget but you want to thank the vendor for everything they were able to do for you...a nice "Thank you" letter can really mean more in the long run. We (at A Perfect Day) LOVE to get letters that tell us what couples liked and how happy we were able to make them. So although a tip can be split between all of our staff, a letter really keeps us loving what we do and helps us to continue wanting to help others. If after your event, you decide that you want to tip a vendor(s), there are many documents you can find on-line to provide you with percentages or averages on tipping...or you can just check with your coordinator who should also be able to provide you with the information needed. We hope this helps!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Want to save money on decor?

There is a lot someone can do to save money on decor. Consider the following:
  • Instead of getting chair covers for each chair, consider getting a colored tablecloth
  • Instead of getting a colored tablecloth, consider renting a table runner
  • If chair covers and sashes aren't in the budget, consider only the sashes
  • If full chair covers aren't in your budget, consider chair caps
  • See if you can rent other decor items rather than purchasing (i.e.: vases, displays)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What should a bride do on her wedding day?

As I am running out to coordinate a wedding, I wanted to share what I think a bride should do on her wedding day...
It is as simple as that. The bride should not have to think or worry about anything. The bride should experience every moment of that day to the fullest and enjoy every second of it.

Now what should the bride NOT do on her wedding day?
  • Answer questions (from any vendors)
  • Set up anything
  • Direct anyone on where to go or what to do
  • Pay anyone
  • Look for anything
  • Carry anything (besides her bouquet)
  • Drive anywhere (riding is okay)
  • Solve any problems
  • Deal with unexpected guests
  • Deal with drunk guests

Friday, November 16, 2007

How much money can a coordinator save a couple?

During one of my consultations with a couple yesterday, a question was raised that I think many people are curious about..."How much money can a wedding coordinator save a couple?"

The answer to that is a little long, but I think important.
  1. The question should be asked to EVERY coordinator you are considering because the way each company handles the same situation can be very different.
  2. Some vendors might provide a "Referral fee" (for new business) to a coordinator. Our company does not accept "referral fees", we pass on any amount we would have received as a savings for our clients. It is important to know that most vendors DO NOT offer this.
  3. Even if we are only hired to be the "On-Site" or "Day of" coordinator, we ALWAYS offer tips, ideas, opinions, recommendations, and suggestions (complimentary) on how to save on costs. There is no solid dollar amount we can guarantee on savings as it varies from couple to couple as each couple's wedding is different.
  4. If you think about how much you might be paying a professional (by the hour...i.e.: photographer, videographer, entertainer, etc.) and on your wedding day time isn't used productively, you could be potentially wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars per hour. Again, there is no consistent amount of savings there, but it could be a loss that could more than pay for a coordinator.

As always, look at your budget and decide for yourself if you even want to hire a coordinator and if so, try to find one that you TRUST and can afford. If a professional coordinator (that you trust) is not in your budget, consider taking a class to get useful information and tips that will be helpful on your wedding day. At least you will have some idea of what to expect and how to plan as best as possible. BEST WISHES!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

When to hire vendors (Is it to early?)

Okay, so this is a question we hear quite often. What we tell everyone is "The sooner the better...usually". If you know you like someone's work, personality, & prices, then go for it. Many people also feel better once decisions and choices are made, so peace of mind can be a big benefit for starting early. If you hire someone early, it will be much more likely that they will not only be available, but their prices can usually be guaranteed once a deposit/retainer is placed. Many companies increase their rates annually (not always in January), so if by starting early, you can save money...why not?

The only reason why not, is that yes, you are taking a chance that you MIGHT find someone better. But if that does happen, you should still be okay because the person you did hire was someone that you were happy with to begin with. I personally feel the benefits outway the drawbacks, but now you will need to decide for yourself...good luck!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vendors to meet with!

So everyone is busy nowdays...and many feel overwhelmed going to numerous vendor meetings. Since we deal with destination as well as local couples, we have learned how to make the most of our couples time. If you don't want to or can't meet with 2-3 vendors per field to collect information and make your choice, here are the vendors we recommend meeting with (or at least speaking over the phone with)
  • Coordinator
  • Photographer
  • Videographer
  • Officiant
  • Emcee

The reason it is important to at least speak with those vendors is because their personalities will play a big role on your wedding day. For your coordinator, you want to fee comfortable, trust, like, and feel reassured when you see him/her (not irritated, worried, or more stressed). For your photographer & videographer, if you like their personality, they will be able to capture more true feelings, happy candids, and put your mind at ease. Seeing a photographer's & videographer's work is also important (but not necessary to be done in person). You can see work on-line or ask them to send you samples. For the officiant, their personality is important because for at least 20-30 minutes, their personality will be the main focus of EVERYONE...and although it might only be for 20 minutes, remember that the ceremony is the reason why everyone is there. Your emcee's personality will completely determine the feel of your reception. Flowers and the cake can help create and environment and feel, but ultimately, the emcee can either enhance or ruin the reception.

For other vendors like flowers, cake, etc. on your wedding day, you should not see them or will see them for such a short period of time that the most important aspect of what they do is not their personality, but their product. Many times you can see their products on-line and can communicate (ask questions) through email or over the phone. So if time is tight, you might not need to meet with these vendors in person.

The Kahala

Did you know that The Kahala will be having a "Wedding Showcase" on Sunday, November 25th, 2007 from 10:00am-2:00pm? You might have been hearing that they have been undergoing a lot of changes and this will be the perfect time to see for yourself! Anyone is welcome to attend as they showcase their location and show you what options are possible for you to have your special event. They will be showcasing ceremonies, receptions, floral designs, table settings, and their recommended vendors! If you are interested, you can register at or just call 739-8715. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wedding Cafe

Guess what? If you didn't already hear, The Wedding Cafe that is located in Manoa Marketplace will be opening their 2nd location at Ward Warehouse!!! Talk about convenient! They have yummy food and the friendliest staff you can imagine. If you haven't been to the Cafe or are just a long time fan like myself, go check out their newest location...but isn't open until THIS Thursday, November 15th! I will be going on Sunday November 18th as that will be their official open house (and won't be able to get out of the office on the 15th). Trust me, try their salads, sandwiches, soups, and drinks...they are truly AMAZING!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Slideshow "Chapter Trailers"

Okay, so a friend and colleague from the wedding industry (James Chun/Crane Media) just showed me a great new thing he will be offering his couples! It is called a "Chapter trailer"! So many people have heard of and seen skits at part of wedding videos, but this different. It isn't very long (so no heavy acting is required...for self-conscious people like me)...and it really personalizes your slide show! He will be hosting it on his website soon, so I'll provide a link when it is available to check out. Geez, sometimes I wish I could get married all over again...hmmm...maybe 25 year anniversary?

Thursday, November 8, 2007


As Event Managers of A Perfect Day, it is ALWAYS unfortunate to know that there are couples who would love to hire us but just can't fit it into their budget. This blog is created with the hopes that we can give some assistance and peace of mind to anyone who might be interested! Please enjoy and let us know what you think!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tip #2: Choosing a location

Some factors to consider:
  • The Date:
  • If you need to have a specific date, you should start by calling locations and asking for their availability for your date. No one wants to spend time and find the perfect location only to find out it isn't available. If you are trying to decide between 2 locations, ask if the locations can put on a tentative hold (with no deposit) so you can have a couple days to decide. Some locations might hold a date for up to 2 weeks.
  • Cost:
  • If you are on a most cases, a hotel or resort will be much more cost effective rather than an estate or beach house.
  • Estates or Beach houses often require that you also rent the facility for a minimum of 1 week
  • When your event is not at a hotel or resort, you will often be paying for rentals (tables, chairs, linen, lighting, utensils, etc.) and staffing (set up, breakdown, serving, clean up, etc.)
  • Rain:
  • Most estates & Beach houses don't have a back-up option should it rain
  • Most hotels/resorts include a back-up option should it rain (although a "rain call" will need to be made by a specified time)
  • Communication:
  • Communication is key. In most cases, you will be working with more vendors if your event is at an estate or beach house (as you will need to bring everything in).
  • If you are chasing down a contact (hotel/resort OR beach house/estate) from the beginning, it is a safe assumption that you will continue to have difficulty.
  • You can ask the contact how quickly they tend to reply.
  • Know what you are getting:
  • If you need a spectacular sunset, try to visit the location during the time when the sun should be setting. You don't want to secure the location to realize later that your view of the sunset will be obstructed.
  • Make sure you know about any site rental fees, minimums you must spend to reserve the space, and what the location might already include/offer.
  • No matter what someone tells you, make sure you get it in writing! That person might mean well, but if they honestly forget they promised something and you don't have it in writing, there will really be no recourse. If the person you are working with leaves the company and doesn't pass on their notes, you can show documentation of what was promised and in most situations, it will be honored.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Money Saving Tip #1 (Event at 1 location)

If you have your ceremony & reception in 1 location you can potentially save a bundle! Here are some reasons you will save money:
  • You won't be paying a photographer during their drive time
  • You won't need to pay for transportation
  • Your day will be shorter so you won't need to pay certain professionals for a longer duration
  • Some professionals charge a fee for more than 1 location

Wedding Workshops & Classes?

We're trying to see if anyone might find wedding workshops & classes interesting??? My staff and I are trying to help couples who might not be able to afford a traditional coordinator, so we are hoping classes might be a way to help. What do you think??? To view our calendar of upcoming workshops & classes, please visit our website at and visit our "upcoming events" link or just click here: